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February 28, 2020
1 min read

Top stories in gastroenterology: JAK inhibitors show fast results in IBD, highlights from GUILD Conference

An expert at a recent gastroenterology meeting, GUILD Conference 2020, reported that JAK inhibitors offer quick results, improve quality of life and lower serious adverse events among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. This was the top story in gastroenterology last week.

Another top story from the conference included study results that showed certain inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) therapies may further increase the risk for malignancies in patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Read these and more top stories in gastroenterology below:

JAK inhibitors show fast results, improved QOL, low adverse events in IBD

JAK inhibitors offer quick results, improved quality of life and lower serious adverse events for patients with IBD, according to an expert at the GUILD Conference 2020. Read more.

Infections, malignancy risk in IBD must be considered individually

Certain IBD therapies may further increase malignancies in patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, according to an expert at the GUILD Conference 2020. Read more.

Endoscopic techniques offer more options for obesity management

Endoscopic management has a clear role in the future of obesity care, with multiple options available for patients, according to research presented at the GUILD Conference 2020. Read more.

Using social media as a health care professional comes with many benefits and opportunities. But it also comes with many dilemmas and responsibilities, according to a presenter at the GUILD Conference.
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‘Have a voice:’ How social media can amplify physician impact

Using social media as a health care professional comes with many benefits and opportunities. But it also comes with many dilemmas and responsibilities, according to a presenter at the GUILD Conference. Specifically, in IBD, studies show that patients use social media to manage their disease and gather information from experts. Read more.

IBD treatment plan ‘needs to be a continuous conversation’

Despite progress in treatment for IBD, patients and providers reported differing expectations as to remission and other aspects of disease control in a recent global survey, as presented in a poster during the 2020 Congress of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation. Read more.