Top stories in endocrinology: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass associated with diabetes remission, most with prediabetes not in diabetes prevention programs
Among the top endocrinology stories last week were a study that found 74% of adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass experienced diabetes remission after 1 year and findings that suggested only a minority of US adults with prediabetes are referred to or participate in a national diabetes prevention program.
Other highlights included a study that found women with low vitamin D levels may have a greater risk for type 2 diabetes, research that indicated adults with impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension are at greater risk for diabetes and CVD events than those without hypertension and findings that suggested plant-based meals may increase satiety hormone secretion in men.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass associated with diabetes remission for most adults
Among adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 74% experienced diabetes remission after 1 year, whereas 27% had relapsed by 5 years, suggesting more careful follow-up is needed, according to findings published in Diabetologia. Read more.
Few adults with prediabetes referred to, participating in diabetes prevention programs
Only a minority of U.S. adults with prediabetes who are eligible to participate in a national diabetes prevention program are doing so, with just 4% referred and 2% participating, according to findings published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Read more.
Low vitamin D level may influence glycemic profile
Women with an insufficient or deficient level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D are more likely to have a fasting blood glucose level of at least 100 mg/dL, indicating greater risk for type 2 diabetes, according to findings published in Menopause. Read more.
Hypertension speeds diabetes progression, increases CVD risk
Adults with impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension are at greater risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease events than those without hypertension, according to findings published in the Journal of Diabetes. Read more.
Vegan meals increase satiety in patients with type 2 diabetes, obesity
Satiety hormone secretion in men may be increased after eating a plant-based meal compared with a meal consisting of processed meat and cheese, according to findings published in Nutrients. Read more.