August 15, 2018
2 min read

Top stories in endocrinology: American Diabetes Association position statement stresses differences between pediatric, adult patients; semaglutide causes greater HbA1c reduction than liraglutide

Among the top stories in endocrinology is the American Diabetes Association issuing a position statement that providers should consider a child’s evolving developmental stages when creating an adaptive diabetes care plan, and study findings that, in patients with type 2 diabetes, once-daily semaglutide was associated with greater decreases in HbA1c vs. liraglutide over 26 weeks.

Other top stories include adults with benign thyroid disease are more likely to report impaired sexual quality of life compared with those without the disease; men with prediabetes and overweight who followed a low-energy diet for 8 weeks lost more body weight than women assigned the same intervention; and the presence of primary hypothyroidism was associated with an increased risk for image-defined or biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. – by Jake Scott

New A merican Diabetes Association position statement stresses differences between pediatric, adult management of type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes management for children and adolescents must not be extrapolated from adult diabetes care, and providers should consider a child’s evolving developmental stages in creating an adaptive care plan to best suit his or her changing needs, according to a position statement recently released by the American Diabetes Association. Read more.

Greater HbA1c reduction seen with semaglutide vs. liraglutide

In patients with type 2 diabetes, once-daily semaglutide was associated with greater decreases in HbA1c vs. liraglutide over 26 weeks, but also a greater incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events, according to study findings published in Diabetes Care. Read more.

Benign thyroid disease associated with impaired sex life

Adults with benign thyroid disease are more likely to report impaired sexual quality of life vs. those without thyroid disease, especially women with autoimmune versions of thyroid diseases, according to study findings reported in Thyroid. Read more.

Rapid weight loss induces sex-specific changes in men, women with prediabetes

Men with prediabetes and overweight who followed a low-energy diet for 8 weeks lost 16% more body weight vs. women with prediabetes and overweight assigned to the same intervention, although both sexes experienced similar improvements in insulin resistance, according to findings published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. Read nore.

Primary hypothyroidism associated with increased risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

The presence of primary hypothyroidism is associated with a 42% increased risk for image-defined or biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, with risk increasing across different definitions for diagnosing hypothyroidism, according to findings from a meta-analysis published in Thyroid. Read more.