June 24, 2015
1 min read

Online map will help prepare health officials for natural disasters

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The HHS has launched an interactive Geographic Information System tool, the HHS emPOWER Map, that will help community officials plan for the emergency needs of individuals that depend on electrically powered medical equipment in their homes during disaster scenarios, according to a press release.

“For people who rely on electricity-dependent medical equipment, prolonged power outages can mean life or death. This tool helps communities better anticipate, plan for, and respond to these unique needs of this population and improve resilience for the entire community before and after disasters,” Nicole Lurie, MD, MSPH, HHS’ assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said in the release. 

The emPOWER Map can be used by hospitals, first responders, electric utility officials and other community organizations to collaborate with health officials to determine the best plan of action in disaster situations.

To minimize the health impacts from power outages due to storms and other natural disasters, the map combines real-time severe weather tracking services from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with data on the monthly number of Medicare beneficiaries’ claims for electricity-dependent equipment. 

According to the release, the map could be used to help power supply companies determine priority areas for restoring power or assist emergency shelters in determining electricity demands.

Information from the map protects an individual’s privacy; however, in emergency cases, health departments may obtain additional information to provide life-saving care. 

Nationally, there are over 1.6 million Medicare beneficiaries who rely on electricity-dependent medical and assistive equipment.

“With the rise in home-based care, real-time awareness of population-level needs, and the ability to respond to them, is critical. Better planning helps communities respond better and recover faster, and that’s where our emPOWER Map can provide the greatest benefit,” Lurie said in the release.