April 14, 2015
1 min read

HHS grants funding for health information sharing initiatives

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HHS announced today that $1 million in grant funds will become available to help back community projects for the Community Interoperability Health Information Exchange Program.

The new program will support the flow of health care information, with those being awarded grant money providing instruction on the use of IT programs to health care providers, which will include providers who are not eligible under the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records Incentive Program. The program will offer funds for up to 10 groups that integrate community resources into promoting better care and healthier communities.

According to the release, a wide range of providers will be eligible to receive services, including long-term and post-acute care providers, behavioral health providers, individuals and their caregivers, safety net providers, public health, social service, emergency medical services and other key members of the care continuum.

“The flow of health information across the entire care continuum is a critical step to realizing a learning health system that results in not only better care, but healthier people and communities. The new Community Interoperability and HIE program will fund local efforts that will leverage health IT in support of a more comprehensive digital data picture of health for people and their communities” Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, national coordinator for health information technology said in the press release.