CMS intends to revise EHR Incentive Programs
According to a blog post by Patrick Conway, MD, MSc, deputy administrator for innovation and quality, CMS revisions to the Medicaid and Medicare Electronic Health Record Initiative Programs will make the reporting process less cumbersome for providers.
The CMS intends to undertake rulemaking this spring that would propose changes in response to concerns over software implementation and preparedness of information exchanges, as well as changes that reflect industry developments since the program’s initiation in 2011.
Specifics include:
- Allowing hospitals more time to implement 2014 Edition software by realigning reporting periods to the calendar year;
- Simplify other aspects of the program to reduce provider burden; and
- Shorten the reporting period to 90 days in 2015.
“Since the first year of the EHR Incentive Programs in 2011, the United States has seen unprecedented growth in the adoption and meaningful use of EHRs,” Conway wrote. “To date, more than 400,000 eligible providers have joined the ranks of hospitals and professionals that have adopted or are meaningfully using EHRs. This means that millions of patients across the nation are benefiting from the potential of better coordinated care among professionals, more accurate prescribing, and improved communication.”
According to Conway, the aforementioned revisions are not to be confused with the Stage 3 requirements proposed rule expected in March.
“CMS intends to limit the scope of the Stage 3 proposed rule to the requirements and criteria for meaningful use in 2017 and subsequent years,” he wrote.
More information on the EHR Incentive Programs can be found here: