March 18, 2014
1 min read

Healio Minute Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Edition: ‘Doc fix’ at risk, poor infant feeding habits abound, asthma may be linked to fetal growth

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

No 'doc fix' for SGR? Management Reform is increasingly uncertain as Democrats, Republicans debate payment method. Analysis by Catherine A. Brandon of Arnold & Porter LLP. Read more.

Obesity-related feeding behaviors common among parents of infants

Large_90x120_Healio_Minute_Logo Among other findings, 43% of caregivers reported putting the infant to bed with a bottle, and 37% of Hispanic caregivers were less likely to watch television while feeding vs. 53% of white, non-Hispanic caregivers and 61% of black caregivers. Read more.

Fetal growth associated with childhood asthma Full term, but not preterm-born children who were small for gestational age were more likely to have an increased risk for asthma hospitalizations, researchers said, although “the underlying mechanism is not clear.” Read more.

Blogger reminds fellow clinicians: The eye is the lamp of the body Management “Our creator didn’t design us to be ‘whipping posts’ and endure relentless abuse. However, in most cases, when we separate the pain from the divine being, our need to become defensive and reactive wanes,” writes John D. Kelly IV, MD. Read more.

Penicillin allergy label increased hospital stays, antibiotic resistant infections Adverse events occur because penicillin ‘allergic’ patients are given more broad spectrum antibiotics, even though some research has shown that less than 5% of individuals who carry a history of penicillin ‘allergy’ are truly allergic.” Read more.