Healio Minute Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 Edition: Indoor tanning linked with other risky behaviors, multivitamins reduced cataract threat, biomarker may suggest future depression
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Risky business: Indoor tanning linked with sex, drinking among students
Healio.com/Dermatology: High school students who tanned showed associations with other risk-taking behaviors, including drug use, suicide attempts and smoking. Read more.
Daily vitamins decreased cataract incidence
Healio.com/Optometry: Long-term use resulted in reduced risk among US male doctors aged older than 50 years, but no significant effect on AMD was observed. Read more.
Biomarker might help to diagnose major depression
Healio.com/Psychiatry: Cortisol levels in teens’ saliva was correlated with boys who later exhibited depressive symptoms and were diagnosed with clinical depression. Read more.
Antihypertensive drug users experienced more serious falls
Healio.com/Cardiology: Adults aged older than 70 years were at increased risk for injuries, including hip fractures, particularly among those who were hurt in previous falls. Read more.
Childhood obesity may increase later risk for cardiac events
Healio.com/Endocrinology: Early exposure to obesity points to greater disease risks, including early death, even if in adulthood a person’s weight is regulated. Read more.