January 23, 2014
1 min read

Healio Minute Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014 Edition: Prediabetes treatments overlooked, FDA trial designs explored, need for insurance examined

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

EHR data reveal low rate of follow-up, treatment for prediabetes

Healio.com/Endocrinology: Despite evidence that metformin use in prediabetes patients may slow progression to diabetes, metformin use was low, and did not increase among those at highest risk. Read more.

Trial design, clinician advocacy key to acceleration of research, review processes 


Healio.com/Hematology-Oncology: Several key opinion leaders discuss the current FDA drug approval process and the role of patient participation in clinical trials, regulatory requirements and advances in technology. With Point/Counter. Read more

Does everyone really need health insurance? One physician's perspective

Healio.com: Blogger Scott A. Edmonds dissects the issue through the experience of a friend with a severe illness. Read more.

Long-term aspirin use decreased risk for multiple myeloma 

Healio.com/Hematology-Oncology: Patients who used a cumulative average of five or more 325 mg aspirin tablets per week had a 39% decreased disease risk compared with non-aspirin users. Read more.

Bariatric surgery yielded larger decrease in paracardial fat than epicardial fat

Healio.com/Endocrinology: But findings also show that the decrease in pericardial fat did not lead to improved cardiovascular function. Read more.