January 17, 2014
1 min read

Healio Minute Friday, Jan. 17, 2014 Edition: Selective genetic breast cancer screening urged, study blames some states for slow ACA signups, algal blooms put children at risk

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Task force supports BRCA-related cancer screening in women with family history

Healio.com/Hematology-Oncology: Panel concludes that potential harms from more intensive screening include false-positive results, as well as unnecessary imaging and surgery. Read more.

States with restrictions show hampered Affordable Care Act enrollment efforts


Healio.com: More restrictive state policies are measurably impairing community-level efforts to cover the uninsured, says study coauthor. Read more.

Children may be more vulnerable to disease outbreaks caused by harmful algal blooms

Healio.com/Infectious Disease: Four investigations detected multiple cyanotoxins, potentially harmful to the liver, brain and skin, that are produced by cyanobacteria, a common constituent of freshwater harmful algal blooms. Read more.

Rivaroxaban may be equally effective as warfarin for AF ablation

Healio.com/Cardiology: Researchers found no differences between the rivaroxaban and warfarin groups in the incidence of major bleeding, minor bleeding or embolic complications during the first 30 days after ablation. Read more.

Maternal thyroid function may affect offspring BMI, CV development

Healio.com/Endocrinology: Variations in maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy may adversely affect fetal growth and cardiovascular development, which might predispose offspring to an increased risk of obesity and an adverse cardiovascular profile in later life. Read more.