October 30, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013 Edition: Exercise intervention covers costs, faster FDA drug OKs scrutinized, more skin-to-skin contact key to breast-feeding

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Medical interventions to spur exercise appear cost-effective in patients with osteoarthritis

Healio.com/Orthopedics: Analysis of knee osteoarthritis patients concludes that medical intervention costing $1,400 or less could reduce inactivity-related diseases, injuries and lost productivity. Read more.

Safety questions remain after close examination of expedited FDA drug reviews


Healio.com/Endocrinology: Considerably fewer patients were studied prior to some approvals and postmarketing study results are still not available. Read more.

Many new mothers not meeting their intention to exclusively breast feed

Healio.com/Pediatrics: Researchers stress importance of skin-to-skin contact in the delivery room to increase exclusive breast-feeding likelihood. Read more.

Compared to heroin, analgesic overdose deaths occur in more upscale neighborhoods

Healio.com/Psychiatry: Overall fatalities from analgesic overdose occur in communities with lower incomes and higher divorce rates. Read more.

Registry of sudden death in youth goes nationwide

Healio.com/Cardiology: NIH and CDC expand data collection to include sudden cardiac death or sudden unexpected death in epilepsy up to age 24 years. Read more.