October 03, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013 Edition: Facial wrinkles no worse on sleep side, antimicrobial reforms vary, bystander CPR boosts cardiac arrest survival

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Face wrinkles no worse on side favored during sleep

Healio.com/Dermatology: Findings appear to confirm effects of sun damage from left-side facial exposure while driving. Read more.

Success of antimicrobial reforms varies among hospitals


Healio.com/Infectious Disease: Researchers conclude that guidelines alone may not be enough to induce rapid reform of practice. Read more.

CPR improves cardiac arrest survival outside hospital

Healio.com/Cardiology: Increase in 30-day survival also shows that other factors are behind the trend. Read more.

Blogger Jeffrey Anshel urges more federal research dollars should flow to ocular nutrients

Healio.com/Optometry: New report claims billions could be saved in treatment of chronic disease. Read more.

Kirk Ogrosky of Arnold & Porter LLP argues for Medicare False Claims Act reforms

Healio.com: “It is time to tell Congress to attack Medicare fraud the right way and send the crooks to jail.” Read more.