Healio Minute Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013 Edition: Trainers need not fear curveballs, schizophrenia reveals genetic risk, psoriasis and alcohol link still cloudy
What just happened in medicine and why do you care?
Analysis may quiet debate over risks of throwing curveballs
Healio.com/Sports Medicine: Six decades of research shows the pitch carries no higher pain or injury risk. Read more.
Genetic discoveries reveal details about heritability of schizophrenia
Healio.com/Psychiatry: Research identifies 13 new genomic risk locations, opening door to a clearer view of the condition’s genetic component. Read more.
Alcohol’s role in psoriasis still unclear
Healio.com/Dermatology: Analysis of available research unable to determine if alcohol is a risk factor or a consequence. Read more.
Prototype ‘vision center kiosk’ raises broader questions
Healio.com/Optometry: Blogger Scott A. Edmonds explores the questions new technology raises about the role of health care provider. Read more.
Exclusive breast-feeding could help curb childhood obesity epidemic
Healio.com/Pediatrics: Practice decreases risk of obesity among Japanese children. Read more.