August 23, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Friday, Aug. 23, 2013 Edition: Facebook brings kids down, induced labor contributes to autism, ACA may increase care demand

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Sad face? Too much Facebook may be the culprit Frequency of Facebook use linked to declining sense of life satisfaction in young adults. Read more.

Induced, augmented labor increased autism risk in children Boys three times more likely than girls to be born with the disorder when moms’ labor was assisted. Read more.

Is there an extra doctor in the house? Affordable Care Act may spur significant demand as more insured pediatric patients seek treatment for serious injuries. Read more.

Read my lips: Lead among metals detected in cosmetic products Nine metals found in lipsticks and lip glosses prompting concerns for health hazards. Read more.

No boundaries for gastroesophageal cancer Incidence and survival no different for patients regardless of rural or metropolitan residence. Read more.