August 06, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013 Edition: Video games can worsen attention issues, post-angioplasty quitters live longer, sugary drink risks start early

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Video games linked to attention problems in boys with ASD or ADHD Clinicians urged to play close attention to related issues, including excessive and problematic video game use. Read more.

Post-angioplasty smoking cessation prolonged lives by 2 years

Large_90x120_Healio_Minute_Logo Three-decade analysis gives clinicians persuasive tool when dealing with patients who smoke. Read more.

Even among very young, sugary beverages increase obesity risk BMI impact on young consumers is evident by age 4 and 5. Read more.

One possible cause of facial allergic dermatitis: Cell phones Source of rash sometimes linked to older models and some newer smartphone cases. Read more.

Increased breast cancer risk linked to calcium-channel blocker use Only long-term use of the antihypertensive medication is implicated; researchers say more data needed before changing clinical practice. Read more.