August 02, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Friday, Aug. 2, 2013 Edition: Salad mix linked to cyclospora, economics worsen mental illness, painful condition targets foot soldiers

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Cyclospora outbreak spreads to 15 states Disease: CDC suspects salad mix contamination in two states; no patients had history of travel outside United States. Read more.

Recession in Europe takes higher toll on individuals with mental illness

Large_90x120_Healio_Minute_Logo Stigmatizing attitudes contribute to trend of job exclusion, sometimes impeding recovery. Read more.

American foot soldiers in Mideast face high incidence of plantar fasciitis Medicine: Propensity for condition linked to obesity, alcohol consumption and job type. Read more.

Hospitals may just need a BOOST program to curb readmissions Managers urged to better network outside their own walls to improve care transitions. Read more.

Convenience often lures parents to retail clinics Pediatricians urged to address growing demand for all-hours access that trumps the value of established relationships. Read more.