June 05, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Edition: Thyroid hormones may influence cognition, vulnerable seniors get scammed, fibromyalgia ignores 'forecast'

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Adult cognition linked to thyroid hormone levels

Healio.com/Endocrinology: Wide range of cognitive measurements parallels higher levels of free thyroxine. Read more.

Financial scams succeed more often among psychologically vulnerable seniors


Healio.com/Geriatric Medicine: Individuals with depression and low social status fulfillment most often fall prey to exploitation. Read more.

Forecast remains 'cloudy' for weather’s effect on fibromyalgia symptoms

Healio.com/Rheumatology: Analysis of patients in Netherlands finds little to support anecdotal reports of weather-related pain. Read more.

Skin cancer patients largely ignore need for sunscreen behind the wheel

Healio.com/Dermatology: Most think on-the-road protection is unnecessary, “especially if the windows were closed.” Read more.

Psychological side effects sow distress among parents of children with cancer

Healio.com/Psychiatry: Findings support need for family interventions to ease stress. Read more.