January 16, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013 Edition: Coke talks calories, hospitals fight floods, virtual exercise curbs phantom limb pain

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Coca-Cola seeks maneuvering room in war on obesity

Healio.com/Endocrinology: Beverage giant launches new campaign focusing less on carbonation, more on calorie count. Read more.

Hospitals may need a new high water mark of preparedness

Healio.com/Infectious Disease: They can deal with a flood of patients, but may not be prepared for the real thing. Read more.

Puff less, exercise more: Still an odds-beating combination

Healio.com/Cardiology: Behavioral intervention succeeds in patients with coronary heart disease and depression. Read more.

Reminding parents to vaccinate children? Think big

Healio.com/Pediatrics: Larger, population based reminders cost less, yield more compliance. Read more.

Virtual therapy reduces real pain

Healio.com/Orthotics-Prosthetics: Patients manipulate a virtual arm to reduce phantom limb pain. Read more.