January 03, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013 Edition: ‘Cliff’ concerns, work eases symptoms, bigness can be better

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

‘Punted,’ ‘did nothing,’ ‘pushed down stream,’ ‘not a time to celebrate’

Healio.com: “Fiscal cliff” legislation delays cuts in Medicare physician payments but does little to stem exasperation among clinicians. Read more.

Work harder, feel better?

Healio.com/Rheumatology: It just might be the case for women with fibromyalgia. Read more.

Obesity craves complexity 

Healio.com/Endocrinology: Body mass index is only part of the picture, as lower mortality is observed in some moderately obese individuals. With video. Read more.

Unemployment rate at infancy linked to later delinquency

Healio.com/Psychiatry: Subsequent behavior problems linked to macroeconomic climate in earliest years. Read more.