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July 07, 2023
3 min watch

VIDEO: Modified risk calculator with OCT data may improve glaucoma prediction

Key takeaways:

  • A modified Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study risk calculator with OCT data may be more valuable than the traditional calculator.
  • Further modifications may improve the calculator’s diagnostic efficacy.

NEW ORLEANS — In this Healio video perspective, Michael Chaglasian, OD, FAAO, discusses the diagnostic efficacy of a modified Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study risk calculator, which he presented in a poster at the ARVO meeting.

In a cross-sectional study, Chaglasian and colleagues assessed a modification of the OHTS risk calculator, which was developed more than 20 years ago and is used to predict glaucoma in patients with ocular hypertension. By incorporating OCT data, researchers aimed to improve the calculator’s performance.

According to Chaglasian, chief of staff at the Illinois Eye Institute and associate professor at Illinois College of Optometry, the modified risk calculator with OCT data performed similarly to retinal nerve fiber layer thickness plus age, with no notable improvement in efficacy over the traditional calculator.

“We hope that in the near future we’ll be able to further modify the OHTS risk calculator,” he added. “We do believe incorporating OCT data can be more valuable than just incorporating the traditional five value points that are included in the OHTS risk calculator.”