Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness
Diana Do, MD
VIDEO: Searching for new mechanisms of action for diabetic eye disease treatments
Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.
There is a lot of exciting research occurring in diabetic eye disease. In addition to the newly approved faricimab and aflibercept 8 mg, there are clinical trials that are ongoing, looking at different mechanisms of actions that might help discover new treatments for diabetic eye disease. Gene therapy, looking at viral vectors that might produce anti-VEGF antibodies within the eye, are being investigated in clinical trials. In addition, other mechanisms such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also being evaluated as a mechanism to control diabetic eye disease. And finally, other methods are looking at topical eye drops that might be a new way to deliver treatment for diabetic eye disease. I think the future remains bright, and there’s always innovation happening in the field of retina.