Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness

Jay Chhablani, MD

Chhablani reports no relevant financial disclosures.
September 25, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: AI benefits diabetic eye disease screening, imaging


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

It’s a very good question, and I think ophthalmology is all about technology. The last 15, 20 years have been really revolutionary, particularly with advances in imaging. And now, AI is very much part of ophthalmology, and there is so much innovation going on in applying AI in our field, especially for diabetic eye disease. And I’m sure that you are aware that now FDA has approved AI algorithms for diabetic retinopathy screening. So, just to start with, how does AI help in diabetic eye disease? I would say it very much starts from the screening, and now we have AI tools which help us to detect diabetic retinopathy at a very early stage, just by the photographs. And moving forward, I think AI is also helping us to decide our treatment strategies and helping us to follow up. I have a lot of interest in imaging and AI and have been using various AI tools to evaluate the scans taken from diabetic eye diseases and to understand how the response is pretty much noticeable on these scans. And by applying the automated algorithms, can we define what kind of treatment we can offer to our patients and predict how it is going to go? So, I think AI is now very much part of our clinics as well as the screening.