Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness

Jay Chhablani, MD

Chhablani reports no relevant financial disclosures.
September 25, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Improving diabetic eye disease awareness among patients, non-ophthalmology providers


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

That’s something very, very important. Like I was mentioning, that awareness for our patients can easily be achieved by using social media, advertisements on the TV and radio, and when they’re seeing their PCP — at that point, if we can make them aware that if you’re a diabetic patient, then you need one yearly retina exam. That itself can bring a huge difference. And talking about the providers, I think, for non-ophthalmology providers, I think the overall awareness and working with the teams such as endocrinologists as well as diabetologists will definitely help in organizing these CME programs. It certainly helps to bring diabetic retinopathy awareness among the providers. And I think that the comprehensive ophthalmologist is aware that you need to refer the patients for an opinion with a retina specialist. And I think that kind of information for all of our partners will be very, very helpful to pick up these cases at a very early stage and work accordingly.