Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness

Priyatham (Prithu) S. Mettu, MD

Mettu reports receiving consulting fees from Eclipse Life Sciences, Iveric Bio and Eyedea Bio.
March 01, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: Expanding access to care key to addressing disparities in diabetic eye disease


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

So in terms of disparities in the population, what we typically find is, you know, unfortunately, many of the same risk factors, such as lower socioeconomic status or limited access to care of a given patient population, so patients that may be underinsured or uninsured. Those patients may not receive timely health care and, for that reason, may have a delay in diagnosis of their diabetic disease or may not get the the ongoing follow-up they need to get optimized control of their diabetes. Those same patients are, you know, at risk for worsening disease both because insufficient control of their primary disease but also because they also have the same barriers to care for eye care. So, being able to expand access to care, offer affordable care options, and ultimately, affordable treatment options that either insurance can cover or that patients are able to avail of themselves outside of insurance are critical to achieve optimal outcomes across populations.