AMD Video Perspectives

Matthew Ohr, MD

Ohr reports serving as a principal investigator in clinical trials related to AMD.
April 11, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Port delivery system may lessen treatment burden in wet AMD


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Obviously, you know, our main therapy for wet macular degeneration has been intravitreal injections that, as I mentioned, we give basically every one to three months for our patients. The port delivery system, the Susvimo therapy, has the potential to change our treatment in terms of the treatment burden, so again, patients aren't receiving necessarily intravitreal injections, but the port can be refilled every six months, so that stands to change the treatment burden for our patients. A lot of the newer therapeutics, again, Susvimo, and and even Eylea to some extent, have really helped in terms of the duration and durability of therapy, so, you know, these drugs are basically stood up against the original standard of LUCENTIS 0.5 milligrams, which was given monthly in our patients with wet macular degeneration, so you start talking about the therapy burden of going from monthly to maybe q eight weeks to now maybe up to every, you know, q 16 weeks or every six months with these new therapies, so durability of treatment burden has really been the mainstay of where these therapies have evolved to and where the future stands for these therapies. The promise of gene therapy. Can we extend these patients even more? That's kind of where we're headed with a lot of this.