AMD Video Perspectives

Manjot K. Gill, MD

Gill reports no relevant financial disclosures.
June 29, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: How COVID-19 pandemic impacted AMD treatment follow-up


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

That really underscored how important it is for us as clinicians to be able to follow up our patients. Those were the patients that we identified that really needed to come in, particularly those that were on kind of a monthly interval. And so we really realized that there is a segment of the population that does need ongoing treatment in order to prevent vision loss. Unfortunately, I think in many of our practices, those patients that were lost to follow up and did show that there was an adverse outcome related to that. But by the time that we could get back to the patients, get them back into the clinic, back treating them, at least in my experience, we were able to make up the gains for those patients that may have initially experienced decrease in vision, and I think this has been shown in many studies, including at my own center where we did look at patients that sustain a delay in care that although initially there may have been decline in vision, but we were able to regain the vision loss once the patients were able to get back into us for treatment.