AMD Video Perspectives

Matthew Ohr, MD

Ohr reports serving as a principal investigator in clinical trials related to AMD.
April 11, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Future research directions in AMD


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

The future research on age-related macular degeneration, you know, I think that the most important point for what we're looking at from a future research perspective is really it would be great to get to a cure, right? So we have great treatments, great therapies these days, but boy, we really need to get our act together when it comes to looking at what can we do to actually fix it, right, to stop it? So I think that our future therapies, as we start to look at those things, really, you know, could focus on that and we could do a better job of a one and done type treatment. That would be great for us as clinicians trying to help our patients. And I do think, you know, there are some definitive therapeutics looking at that. You know, again, if these gene therapies, you know, pan out to do that, that would be fantastic. But, you know, that's really what we need to kind of focus on is the curative therapies more than anything else. Obviously the other, you know, part of that is the restorative therapies, right? So I have a lot of patients who have damage already, and we really need, you know, to kind of to light a fire under the stem cell therapies or some of those other curative therapies that would allow us to restore function for patients that have lost it. Because there's a huge patient population where stopping the progression of disease isn't really going to help them that much, they really need to get something to get that vision back that they've lost. So, you know looking at whatever therapy options we have to kind of help restore vision in patients that have lost it is going to be huge in terms of of trying to help our patient that need the most help when it comes to macular degeneration.