AMD Video Perspectives

Manjot K. Gill, MD

Gill reports no relevant financial disclosures.
June 29, 2022
2 min watch

VIDEO: Early detection major area of unmet need in AMD


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Unfortunately, as I had mentioned, you know, one of the biggest unmet needs is in the non-exudative geographic atrophy space. And we do have a lot of interest in recognizing that this is a large unmet need. And so there are certainly a lot of molecules that are being investigated in, you know, early phase one, phase two clinical trials. So I think certainly in that arena. I think early detection. Home OCT monitoring. I think there are, you know, are going to be some studies looking at that. To see the space that this would have in terms of recognizing which patients are at risk and then bringing those patients into clinic and then onto therapy earlier. Artificial intelligence on kind of a large population scale. And in areas where, for example, there is inequities or you know, disparities in terms of access to healthcare. I think there is a large role again, for recognizing which patients diagnosing the disease, and then which patients are at risk. Anything that would, again, reduce treatment burden. We certainly have made progression by way of the port delivery system. As well as drugs that can be dosed less frequently. But certainly you know, other modalities of, or delivering the drug. For example, maybe an injectable implant. Other drug drug delivery mechanisms. Things that are less burdensome both to the patients, as well as to us as clinicians.