AMD Video Perspectives

Manjot K. Gill, MD

Gill reports no relevant financial disclosures.
June 29, 2022
2 min watch

VIDEO: Strategies to address the growing AMD patient population


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Recognition that as a population ages, that this certainly is going to easily overtake all of our practices. So I think again, counseling patients, the importance of certainly, if there's a family history, for patients to get in and counseling the families as well that if you have family members that adult children, that they really should have a baseline eye examination and then thereafter determine based on their level of clinical findings, how frequently the patients need to be seen, counseling the patients, to monitor for vision loss. If they need to be on AREDS vitamins, then counseling patients to start AREDS. And then other risk factor mitigation strategies. Not smoking, controlling blood pressure, controlling their lipids will help, you know, their cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, as well as their overall eye health. The other thing I should mention is also UV protection is very important as well, but I just really think that patient education, both the individual patients as well as the families, counseling them is, you know, of utmost importance. And then, you know, hopefully as we emerge into newer modalities, you know, home monitoring, for example, home OCT. I know there's been a lot of interest in this. So trying to then partner with the patients and then, you know, with artificial intelligence in terms of, you know, reading these images, and, you know, detecting which patients are at risk and bringing them in before they actually progress to a more advanced disease. So I think these are all strategies that we have to look forward to in the future.