AMD Awareness

Rishi P. Singh, MD

Singh reports consulting for Alcon, AsclepiX, Baush + Lomb, Genentech, Gyroscope, Novartis and Regeneron.

April 11, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Important areas of future research in AMD


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I think the big things that would focus and improve patient's outcomes with neovascular AMD would really focus around whole monitoring of these situations. You know, as therapies become less frequent in nature, it's highly likely that we can possibly monitor these patients remotely, rather than coming into our office each and every time. So that's one area of burgeoning, I think, improvements. Artificial intelligence reading. Right now, we look at the scans themselves and we see if there's fluid or no fluid, but we don't have a good sense of how much fluid there really is. Artificial intelligence, the way is to measure the amount of fluid in a rapid fashion and be able to give us maybe a biomarker to follow in these patients over time, which would be much more helpful than what we do currently in clinical practice.