Huntington's Disease Awareness

Kathryn P. L. Moore, MD, MSc

Moore reports no relevant financial disclosures.
February 22, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Disease-modifying medications may help address unmet needs in Huntington’s disease


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I would say there's a lot of need. And Huntington's, we know there's about 41,000 people with HD in the country at any one time and about a quarter of a million people that are affected by HD other being in their family are at risk for that. And so I think awareness is a big thing as we're starting to develop disease-modifying medications. Families who have been suffering with HD for years may not be aware of the advancements and so letting families and patients with HD know, but also our colleagues in general medicine and the community and and other fields, about the disease so that they can refer patients to the appropriate clinician, that definitely there is an existing need for disease modifying treatment. We have known the gene now for a while and are very excited for the things in the pipeline, that may make a big difference in this. So for me, I think in my career, we will see HD move from the terminal illness, it is now to something that is managed in a much better way. So we're really looking forward to that need being met, hopefully in the near future.