Mitochondria, DILI focus of Kaplowitz’s AASLD hepatotoxicity named lecture
BOSTON — Neil Kaplowitz, MD, presented a comprehensive overview of mitochondrial function regulation and the role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of hepatotoxicity at The Liver Meeting 2012.
Kaplowitz, who gave the Hyman J. Zimmerman Hepatotoxicty State-of-the-Art Lecture here, is the Brem Professor of Medicine, Budnick-Garrie Professor of Liver Disease, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, and Director of the NIDDK-sponsored USC Research Center for Liver Diseases.
Laurie D. DeLeve, MD, PhD, who introduced Kaplowitz, noted that much of the work coming out of his lab was seminal research including regulation of antioxidant defense, the mechanism of cell death, and the role of signal transduction in hepatotoxicity. He currently researched and described in his lecture the importance of mitochondria in cell signaling, the interplay of JNK and mitochondria, and mitochondrial biogenesis.
The named lecture recognizes Zimmerman’s work in toxic liver injury. Eli Lilly and Company supports the lecture through an unrestricted grant.