Mantle Cell Lymphoma Video Perspectives
VIDEO: CAR T-cell therapy shows promise in hard-to-treat mantle cell lymphoma
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Many patients that go through intensive treatment and then maintenance approaches who subsequently relapse, particularly those that have an aggressive relapse, they have been traditionally very difficult to treat and manage. CAR T-cell therapies have really shown very high response rates, and the responses have been pretty durable. I think we're still a little concerned that it's not as durable as we see in large cell lymphoma, but certainly can profoundly impact the disease biology and change the trajectory of patients who are clearly getting sick in a very rapid fashion, can actually have their disease be put back into remission.
There are some toxicities associated with that, particularly patients with high tumor burden and lots of circulating cells, cytokine release syndrome, and some of the neurotoxicity complications can be more than seen in other kinds of lymphoma. However, I think as we're learning how to anticipate and manage that, that is actually being better managed. But certainly response rates are good, and I think we're still learning exactly how durable it is, but I think certainly many of the patients enrolled in the trials were in a lot of trouble clinically, and these patients have benefited substantially from that therapy.