December 19, 2024
1 min watch
VIDEO: Bitopertin may have use for Diamond-Blackfan anemia
In this video, Amy Dickey, MD, MSc, discusses a study presented at ASH Annual Meetingthat examined treatment of Diamond-Blackfan anemia with bitopertin.
Dickey, an assistant professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, highlighted the study, which specifically looked into treatment of the rare type of anemia with a medication often used for erythropoetic protoporphyria.
“It seems like in [Abkowitz’s] mice studies, bitopertin also has a positive effect,” Dickey said.
- Abkowitz JL. Role of heme and iron in effrctive and ineffective erthyropoiesis. Presented at: ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition; Dec. 7-10, 2024; San Diego.