Endometrial Cancer Video Perspectives

Emma Rossi, MD

Rossi reports no relevant financial disclosures.
September 20, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Treatment options for advanced, recurrent endometrial cancer


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify iwaters@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Advanced endometrial cancer typically means it's spread beyond the uterus or even beyond the pelvis. And when that's the case, usually surgery alone or surgery at all is not a curative intervention. And so we need to rely on other treatments. Sometimes radiation therapy is appropriate to use. However, it's more what I think of as a spot treatment. So only treatment in a small area. And so that's why for recurrent and advanced endometrial cancer, systemic therapies or therapies that go through the bloodstream become probably the hallmark of our therapy. The most up-to-date treatments for endometrial cancer include a combination, typically of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Recent studies have demonstrated that the addition of immunotherapy to chemotherapy in the cases of recurrent and advanced endometrial cancer improves the period of time that patients are disease-free. We call that progression-free survival. And in some cases, actually improves their overall survival, meaning their cure rates, with the addition of this immunotherapy to traditional chemotherapy.