Endometrial Cancer Video Perspectives

Kevin M. Elias, MD

Elias reports no relevant financial disclosures.
August 22, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: How stage, histology direct endometrial cancer treatment


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify iwaters@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Factors that primarily dictate treatment for endometrial cancer are stage and histology. So patients with Stage 1 disease are generally offered surgical management. For patients with early stage disease, which again, will be the majority of patients, so patients with low grade histologies that are confined to the inner half of the uterus, either the endometrium alone or the inner half of the myometrium, surgery is definitive and they don't require adjuvant therapy.

For women who have deep invasion into the uterus but no signs of metastatic disease, if they have low grade histologies, we'll often discuss adjuvant radiation therapy, what's called brachytherapy, which is typically three treatments given over about a week, so it's a relatively short course and well tolerated. For patients who have a higher grade histologies or who have advanced disease, it's typically a combined modality therapy with chemotherapy and radiation therapy in addition to surgery.