Endometrial Cancer Video Perspectives
VIDEO: Precision medicine, diagnosis management, other advancements in endometrial cancer
Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.
The good news is that there have been significant advancements in the diagnosis management and treatment of endometrial cancer really utilizing current oncology techniques of precision medicine. So first, we now know, based off of data that came out of the TCGA that there are really four molecular subtypes of endometrial cancer and those molecular subtypes actually have differing prognosis, recurrence, risks, behavior.
So, we're starting to look at the molecular somatic testing of cancers at the time of final pathology from surgery to really tailor treatment for each of these subtypes. There's very active research being done to optimize based on those molecular subtypes, who needs more aggressive treatment. For instance, patients that are p53 mutation positive in their somatic testing are much more aggressive even in a lower stage and so those patients, through additional studies and analysis, have been shown to really benefit from chemotherapy. In other instances, for instance, that have a POLE mutation, really have an excellent prognosis, and may, in fact, be able to, in the future, deescalate some of their care.
There is new staging for endometrial cancer, which has a little bit of a delay in uptake because it is a little bit more complicated compared to our previous staging, and that's because it does take this molecular subtype into consideration. So, this is all very rapidly changing, and really is taking precision medicine and oncology sort of really perfectly here in this cancer subtype.