Alopecia Areata Awareness

Carolyn Goh, MD

Goh reports receiving fees from Pfizer.
June 23, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Importance of cultural understanding in alopecia areata


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

So, there was a study that showed a high burden of disease in the patient of African descent for alopecia areata, specifically. I would say we don't know exactly this burden of disease. Some of the best studies that we've gone off of are from the Mayo Clinic, and they look at their community in Minnesota and have compared the rate of patients coming to see the doctor in their community versus the demographics in their community at large. And, it seems that it actually affects all races and cultures equally, based on that data. But, this other study showed that perhaps there's more actually in those patients of African descent. So, I would say the jury's out. We don't know completely what the racial demographics are as with any disease it can be very difficult to know exactly what the population looks like. However, I think that there are certain populations that have lower access to healthcare, and I think it's important for us as clinicians to understand that different communities may need us, and reaching out can be helpful. I also think that different cultures and races sometimes have different attitudes towards their hair. And, understanding that as a clinician, that perhaps the little girl who's losing their hair is not just her losing the hair, the whole family feels it, and they're losing something from that. And that varies. I think a lot of cultures have that, but some cultures that there's maybe more weight towards it than others. So, being aware of that as clinicians is very important. One other thing is, keeping that in mind, is understanding that if it carries that type of weight for them, they may actually choose a more aggressive treatment than you would as a clinician. But understanding all of that helps.