Alopecia Areata Awareness

Benjamin Ungar, MD

Ungar reports receiving research support to his institution from Incyte, Rapt, and Pfizer, and consulting for Arcutis, Castle Biosciences, Fresenius Kabi, Pfizer, and Sanofi.
June 19, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Biggest challenges in alopecia areata


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Big challenges in treating alopecia both from the perspective of addressing the underlying inflammatory process, the patient experience and so on. You know, one of the challenges in terms of just interacting with patients, and kind of helping them to understand the treatment process is that hair takes a very long time to respond. And so even what we would consider to be quick, rapid acting treatments, still tend to work over the course of months rather than weeks that we see with many other inflammatory skin diseases. And so it can be very challenging psychologically to maintain a level of patience to see if in fact the treatment's gonna work for an individual patient. Additionally, it is a difficult to treat disease. And so even with these new treatments, which are very exciting, and new treatments being studied on the way, not everyone responds to the currently available treatments. And so finding the right treatment, the right treatment regimen for each patient still remains a challenge, but fortunately we're making a lot of progress in that regard.