Alopecia Areata Awareness

Benjamin Ungar, MD

Ungar reports receiving research support to his institution from Incyte, Rapt, and Pfizer, and consulting for Arcutis, Castle Biosciences, Fresenius Kabi, Pfizer, and Sanofi.
June 21, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Alopecia areata awareness means understanding ‘this is not just a cosmetic disease’


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Awareness means that providers treating patients with alopecia areata have an understanding that this is not just a cosmetic disease. It's not just simply, "Oh, a bit of hair loss," that this really has a tremendous negative impact on patients and their quality of life, their self-identity, really every aspect about their health, and that because of that, providers really treat this with the gravity and seriousness that it really deserves.