Tumor Boards

Gastric adenocarcinoma

Treatment History

  • FOLFOX/trastuzumab
    • After 2 months, essentially stable disease, some decrease in thickening of GE junction, perhaps slight decrease in lung, LN. Symptomatic improvement in pain
    • After 4 months, progressive disease with new liver lesions, lung lesions and some increase in prior lung lesions
  • Paclitaxel/trastuzumab
    • After two months of therapy, mixed response with response in lungs, but increase in size (but not number) of liver metastases
  • Paclitaxel/ramucirumab
    • After two months of therapy, increase in lymphadenopathy, and slightly in the lungs, but liver was stable
  • Irinotecan/trastuzumab (MDACC recommended FOLFIRI): Ongoing