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Biliary Atresia

December 20, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Early biliary clearance after surgery may improve outcomes in biliary atresia

VIDEO: Early biliary clearance after surgery may improve outcomes in biliary atresia

Healio spoke with Ahmad Anouti, MD, about a presentation at The Liver Meeting on the prognostic value of reaching normal bilirubin levels after Kasai portoenterostomy in biliary atresia.

December 20, 2024
3 min watch

VIDEO: Total bile acids, MMP-7 show ‘amazing promise’ in prognosis of biliary atresia

VIDEO: Total bile acids, MMP-7 show ‘amazing promise’ in prognosis of biliary atresia

In this video, Ahmad Anouti, MD, a pediatric resident at UT Southwestern Medical Center, discusses the importance of serum values as prognostic indicators in biliary atresia, as well as identifying specific time points for follow-up.

December 20, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Patient involvement critical to advance care, research in liver disease

VIDEO: Patient involvement critical to advance care, research in liver disease

Healio spoke with Ahmad Anouti, MD, a pediatric resident at UT Southwestern Medical Center, about his patient keynote address at The Liver Meeting, during which he discussed the importance of patient-centered care in liver disease.

December 20, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Blocking NF-KB may improve cholangiocyte integrity in biliary atresia

VIDEO: Blocking NF-KB may improve cholangiocyte integrity in biliary atresia

Healio spoke with Ahmad Anouti, MD, a pediatric resident at UT Southwestern Medical Center, about a presentation at The Liver Meeting on how blocking nuclear factor kappa B could correct cellular defects in biliary atresia.

November 27, 2024
1 min read

Researchers seek to improve the 'diagnostic odyssey' of infant biliary atresia evaluations

SAN DIEGO — A new ultrasound approach may help more quickly and less invasively identify infants with biliary atresia, according to research presented at The Liver Meeting.

February 29, 2024
6 min read

‘Show your stripes:’ Rare Disease Day allows patients to share their stories, spread awareness

‘Show your stripes:’ Rare Disease Day allows patients to share their stories, spread awareness

More than 300 million people worldwide, including one in every 10 Americans, are living with a rare disease, yet these individuals and their families are often left isolated and without answers.

January 18, 2024
2 min read

Maternal intestinal, genitourinary infections raise risk for biliary atresia in offspring

Maternal intestinal, genitourinary infections raise risk for biliary atresia in offspring

Offspring born to mothers with prenatal or third trimester intestinal infection or genitourinary tract infection experienced a significantly higher risk for biliary atresia, according to a study in JAMA Network Open.

August 26, 2019
3 min read

Pipeline update: 7 reports on autoimmune liver disease therapies

Autoimmune liver diseases include primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and pediatric diseases such as biliary atresia and progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Researchers continue to investigate and develop potential treatments for both the diseases and their debilitating complications.

August 15, 2019
3 min read

Pediatric hepatology: 6 reports on treating liver disease in children

Liver disease in children and adolescents takes on as many forms as in adults, including viral hepatitis, autoimmune diseases, fatty liver disease, and even the pediatric-specific biliary atresia that occurs in infants.

August 05, 2019
1 min read

Infant liver transplant successful with novel video, surgical device solution

A combined procedure using the Orbeye video microscope and Thunderbeat advanced energy surgical device from Olympus led to a successful liver transplantation in an infant patient at Holtz Children’s Hospital in Florida, according to a press release.