September 03, 2024 Articles
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- Acanthamoeba keratitis shows similarly low incidence across continents
- ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft may reduce flexion strength vs. patellar graft
- BLOG: Know the 5 contraindications to cataract surgery
- CGM use in early pregnancy offers ‘window of opportunity’ to improve perinatal outcomes
- Childhood cancer treatments increase keratinocyte carcinoma risk among survivors
- Clinicians chat beta-blockers, dupilumab, ensifentrine for COPD on X in first half of 2024
- Corneal neuropathic pain management may require a multidisciplinary approach
- COVID-19 vaccine pipeline could bring more changes to ‘menu of options’
- Critical analysis needed to spark culture shift around family building in medicine
- DaVita revenue up in second quarter, but high patient mortality lingers post COVID-19
- Experts use art, ‘micro-habits’ to combat burnout, draw attention to physician suicide
- Filgotinib maintains remission, improves quality of life over 4 years in UC
- Findings suggest dental extractions should not be performed after radiation
- Hemodiafiltration associated with better quality of life than hemodialysis
- Moderate asthma exacerbation effects may be just as significant as severe ones
- Most patients with chronic hand eczema suffer from corticosteroid phobia
- Oncologist’s viral social media post generates ‘wild’ reaction, prompts serious conversations
- Patients with CAD undergoing TAVR may also benefit from angioplasty
- Practices saw greater disclosure rates after switching from paper to electronic screenings
- Providers should assess HbA1c and CGM metrics in diabetes management
- Q&A: AI cuts documentation burden, allows HCPs more time for ‘truly practicing medicine’
- Q&A: Taking action ahead of wildfires to better serve patients with COPD, asthma
- Qualified retirement plans offer pros and cons for practice owners and employees
- Respect, clear communication can address ‘mismatch in care’ for postpartum Black women
- Revision Latarjet may yield similar outcomes vs. primary Latarjet for shoulder instability
- Risks for bias high, unclear in 80% of AI models for predicting RA treatment response
- Temporary interruption of anticoagulant use during TAVR appears safe
- Tolebrutinib delays onset of MS disability progression in phase 3 trial
- Top in ID: 'Elevated risk' for eastern equine encephalitis; FDA OKs updated COVID vaccine
- Top news of August: FDA neffy approval, women’s asthma health, APA-AAI conference, more
- Transcranial static magnetic stimulation may have long-term survival benefit in ALS
- VIDEO: Healio Rheumatology provides ‘deep dive’ into medical language barriers
- VIDEO: Practicing gratitude can help reduce physician burnout
- VIDEO: Several ocular conditions require comanagement