April 20, 2023 Articles
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- Adalimumab plus methotrexate lowers treatment failure 2-fold in pediatric Crohn’s
- Are providers too cautious with prescribing testosterone therapy?
- Biden to nominate National Cancer Institute director for top NIH post
- Biotech company starts phase 2a study for alcohol use disorder psychedelic treatment
- BLOG: If you want to up your game, remodel your office
- By limiting preventive care, ACA ruling a ‘grave disservice’ to patients
- Definitions and terms in dry eye: Do the words matter?
- Depression before, after diagnosis linked to higher risk for breast cancer death
- Disturbed sleep associated with symptoms of long COVID, including dyspnea
- Dry eye signs, symptoms reduced with NOV03 in second phase 3 trial
- Estradiol cream plus silicone lubricant may diminish dyspareunia
- EVO ICL rounds out continuum of modern refractive procedures
- FDA approves spinal cord stimulation system for chronic pain
- FDA clears Meridian Bioscience’s Shiga Toxin test, expanding GI testing platform
- Handheld device reveals macular acuity, predicts postop vision when macula cannot be seen
- Healio Minute Podcast, Leukemia Edition: Top Headlines - Week of April 17, 2023
- Hearing aids may mitigate dementia risk in adults with hearing loss
- High blood pressure in children underdiagnosed, undertreated in safety-net clinics
- In ASCVD, women ‘consistently underprescribed’ statins compared with men
- In some US schools, more than 25% of students misuse stimulants
- Investigational treatment reduces hepcidin, potentially beneficial to patients with anemia
- Less death in patients with asthma exacerbations, respiratory failure treated with ECMO
- Man presents with unilateral blurry vision
- Marrying Human Interaction and AI with Navid Alipour
- Methotrexate may increase skin cancer risk in patients with psoriasis
- Multidisciplinary teams ‘need to be in lockstep’ for optimal outcomes in stroke care
- National Football League game official training in the virtual world: Fantasy or feasible?
- New suicidality in veterans during pandemic linked to preexisting mental health
- Novel ablation strategy improved arrhythmia recurrence vs. pulmonary vein isolation only
- Novel score identifies those likely to improve heart failure symptoms after AF ablation
- Ophthalmologists primed to offer highly sought after aesthetic procedures
- Opportunities available for comprehensive ophthalmologists to foray into plastic surgery
- Patients with diabetes who receive metformin exhibit 24% lower risk for osteoarthritis
- Pembrolizumab active in diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma
- Practitioner knowledge, attitude important to patients with hidradenitis suppurativa
- Prehabilitation program improved outcomes for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery
- Q&A: AI offers medical advice to clinicians like a colleague
- Q&A: Digital inhaler, education program improve adherence, reduce medication burden
- Researcher aims to combat high smoking rates among construction workers
- Sleeve gastrectomy linked to bone strength, BMD decline among adolescents and young adults
- Smoking, older age put patients receiving tofacitinib at higher risk for MACE vs. TNFi
- Socioeconomic deprivation impacts asthma, allergic rhinitis in children with food allergy
- Some patients remember paralysis after emergency tracheal intubation
- Speaker: Biologic use, promotional material need to be in alignment with on label use
- Successful cataract surgery can follow removal of posterior chamber phakic IOL
- Testosterone therapy may benefit men with diabetes and obesity, but remains controversial
- Top in women’s health: Court rulings on mifepristone; endocrine-disrupting chemicals
- Vaping linked to cancer-related cognitive impairment among young adult cancer survivors
- VIDEO: Exploring treatment options in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
- VIDEO: Precision nutrition app aims to treat ‘whole patient’ with GI disorders
- VIDEO: Protocol may counter rise of COVID-related epithelial loosening in LASIK
- VIDEO: Racial disparities in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
- VIDEO: Repurpose old content for future social media posts
- VIDEO: Research focusing on learning more about triple-negative breast cancer
- VIDEO: Tailoring patient conversations following metastatic breast cancer diagnosis
- VIDEO: Treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer has 'changed drastically'
- What should ophthalmologists know before investing in laser tech or aesthetic platforms?