
April 20, 2023 Articles

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  1. Adalimumab plus methotrexate lowers treatment failure 2-fold in pediatric Crohn’s
  2. Are providers too cautious with prescribing testosterone therapy?
  3. Biden to nominate National Cancer Institute director for top NIH post
  4. Biotech company starts phase 2a study for alcohol use disorder psychedelic treatment
  5. BLOG: If you want to up your game, remodel your office
  6. By limiting preventive care, ACA ruling a ‘grave disservice’ to patients
  7. Definitions and terms in dry eye: Do the words matter?
  8. Depression before, after diagnosis linked to higher risk for breast cancer death
  9. Disturbed sleep associated with symptoms of long COVID, including dyspnea
  10. Dry eye signs, symptoms reduced with NOV03 in second phase 3 trial
  11. Estradiol cream plus silicone lubricant may diminish dyspareunia
  12. EVO ICL rounds out continuum of modern refractive procedures
  13. FDA approves spinal cord stimulation system for chronic pain
  14. FDA clears Meridian Bioscience’s Shiga Toxin test, expanding GI testing platform
  15. Handheld device reveals macular acuity, predicts postop vision when macula cannot be seen
  16. Healio Minute Podcast, Leukemia Edition: Top Headlines - Week of April 17, 2023
  17. Hearing aids may mitigate dementia risk in adults with hearing loss
  18. High blood pressure in children underdiagnosed, undertreated in safety-net clinics
  19. In ASCVD, women ‘consistently underprescribed’ statins compared with men
  20. In some US schools, more than 25% of students misuse stimulants
  21. Investigational treatment reduces hepcidin, potentially beneficial to patients with anemia
  22. Less death in patients with asthma exacerbations, respiratory failure treated with ECMO
  23. Man presents with unilateral blurry vision
  24. Marrying Human Interaction and AI with Navid Alipour
  25. Methotrexate may increase skin cancer risk in patients with psoriasis
  26. Multidisciplinary teams ‘need to be in lockstep’ for optimal outcomes in stroke care
  27. National Football League game official training in the virtual world: Fantasy or feasible?
  28. New suicidality in veterans during pandemic linked to preexisting mental health
  29. Novel ablation strategy improved arrhythmia recurrence vs. pulmonary vein isolation only
  30. Novel score identifies those likely to improve heart failure symptoms after AF ablation
  31. Ophthalmologists primed to offer highly sought after aesthetic procedures
  32. Opportunities available for comprehensive ophthalmologists to foray into plastic surgery
  33. Patients with diabetes who receive metformin exhibit 24% lower risk for osteoarthritis
  34. Pembrolizumab active in diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma
  35. Practitioner knowledge, attitude important to patients with hidradenitis suppurativa
  36. Prehabilitation program improved outcomes for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery
  37. Q&A: AI offers medical advice to clinicians like a colleague
  38. Q&A: Digital inhaler, education program improve adherence, reduce medication burden
  39. Researcher aims to combat high smoking rates among construction workers
  40. Sleeve gastrectomy linked to bone strength, BMD decline among adolescents and young adults
  41. Smoking, older age put patients receiving tofacitinib at higher risk for MACE vs. TNFi
  42. Socioeconomic deprivation impacts asthma, allergic rhinitis in children with food allergy
  43. Some patients remember paralysis after emergency tracheal intubation
  44. Speaker: Biologic use, promotional material need to be in alignment with on label use
  45. Successful cataract surgery can follow removal of posterior chamber phakic IOL
  46. Testosterone therapy may benefit men with diabetes and obesity, but remains controversial
  47. Top in women’s health: Court rulings on mifepristone; endocrine-disrupting chemicals
  48. Vaping linked to cancer-related cognitive impairment among young adult cancer survivors
  49. VIDEO: Exploring treatment options in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
  50. VIDEO: Precision nutrition app aims to treat ‘whole patient’ with GI disorders
  51. VIDEO: Protocol may counter rise of COVID-related epithelial loosening in LASIK
  52. VIDEO: Racial disparities in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
  53. VIDEO: Repurpose old content for future social media posts
  54. VIDEO: Research focusing on learning more about triple-negative breast cancer
  55. VIDEO: Tailoring patient conversations following metastatic breast cancer diagnosis
  56. VIDEO: Treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer has 'changed drastically'
  57. What should ophthalmologists know before investing in laser tech or aesthetic platforms?