December 18, 2023 Articles
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- ‘Long flu’ not as severe as long COVID but both need attention, experts say
- AbbVie acquires Cerevel, boosting roster of therapeutic candidates
- Anesthetic type may not influence mental health after THA
- Asthma mortality rates higher in China than in the US, but the gap is closing
- Breast density counseling requires improvement to address worries, concerns, questions
- Brushing teeth may lower risk for hospital-acquired pneumonia
- BTK inhibitors acceptable treatment option for patients with CLL, severe renal impairment
- Cancer researchers raise concerns about loss of ‘human touch’ with patient-facing AI
- Early intervention with lenalidomide may extend time to later therapy in high-risk CLL
- First patient visit complete in phase 2b RELIEF trial of licaminlimab for dry eye disease
- Fixed-duration pirtobrutinib plus venetoclax, rituximab promising in CLL
- Greater positive airway pressure adherence in OSA yields lower health care costs
- Higher mutational burden may predict shorter time to first treatment for CLL
- Ibrutinib-venetoclax combination shows long-term efficacy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- JAK-STAT mutations found in patients with hypereosinophilia with myeloid neoplasms
- Lung cancer related to onboard asbestos exposure common among naval veterans
- Match Day fills 61.5% of pediatric rheumatology fellowship slots, continuing decline
- NeuroQure acquires patents for early detection of ASD in newborns using skin biopsy
- No patient left behind: MASLD rebranding provides ‘affirmative diagnosis’ without stigma
- Nomenclature change brings new opportunities for research, drug development
- Novel, oral RGRN-305 shows promise in hidradenitis suppurativa treatment
- Pacritinib could lead to OS benefit for patients with myelofibrosis with thrombocythemia
- Partnership aims to advance disease modifying therapy for Huntington’s disease
- PrEP use, HIV testing increased among transgender people from 2014 to 2021
- Providers must go beyond weight reduction when treating obesity
- Psilocybin hailed as ‘potential breakthrough’ for depression among patients with cancer
- Q&A: Peanut bullying incident reveals opportunities for food allergy education, engagement
- Reduce ophthalmic waste by changing how eye drops are used
- Rilzabrutinib provides durable platelet response for relapsed immune thrombocytopenia
- Sarilumab superior to placebo for achieving sustained remission in polymyalgia rheumatica
- Screen use delays sleep time for adolescents, study finds
- Targeting obesity may be ‘highly effective strategy’ for treating HFpEF, ASCVD
- Telemedicine may provide cost-effective ED triage option for pediatric orthopedic trauma
- Top contact lens stories of 2023: virtual reality, bill to ban prescription robocalls
- Top in cardiology: BP remains strongest CVD risk factor; study shows benefits of omega-3
- Treatment with acalabrutinib, umbralisib, ublituximab shows potential in CLL
- Use of finenerone to reduce albuminuria improves kidney, cardiovascular outcomes
- VIDEO: Factor VIII variant shows ‘unclear biochemical mechanism for improved function’
- VIDEO: Improving function of factor VIII variants for hemophilia A gene therapy
- VIDEO: NAFLD upgrade to MASLD offers ‘less stigmatizing’ positive diagnosis for patients
- VIDEO: Novel hemophilia B gene therapy approach shows promise
- VIDEO: Small-aperture IOL shows good results after refractive surgery
- VIDEO: Specialist shares pearls on pediatric retinal detachment surgery
- VIDEO: Updated data on hemophilia A gene therapies presented at ASH
- Vtama cream combined with injectable biologics may improve psoriasis outcomes