
January 10, 2022 Articles

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  1. Demodex blepharitis common, underdiagnosed in all patients
  2. 5-year trial shows high-dose vitamin D does not prevent CVD, cancer
  3. ACG publishes guidelines for acute-on-chronic liver failure
  4. Adjuvant pembrolizumab extends DFS for certain patients with non-small cell lung cancer
  5. AHA: Address social determinants of health to reduce CV risk in type 2 diabetes
  6. Air pollution levels linked to 16% of pediatric asthma cases globally
  7. Benefit of icosapent ethyl consistent regardless of background statin type
  8. Chronic cough common, especially in older adults
  9. COPD year in review: Screening, increasing temperatures and worsening symptoms, and more
  10. Diagnoses of neurodevelopmental disorders higher in publicly insured US children
  11. FDA designates recall of embolic protection device as class I
  12. FDA grants approval to insomnia drug
  13. Firearm access screening may mitigate suicide risk
  14. First patient dosed in trial of dual-transgene intravitreal gene therapy for wet AMD
  15. HCV care for PWID: ‘Bringing treatment to them’
  16. Hematology and oncology trainees frequently face discrimination, study shows
  17. Infants born during pandemic scored lower on developmental test at 6 months
  18. Maternal deaths caused by chronic hypertension ‘deserve urgent public health attention’
  19. N95 masks can be safely decontaminated and reused, study shows
  20. Naive T-cell depletion approach results in lower rates of chronic GVHD after transplant
  21. Nearly 10% of Medicare beneficiaries with knee osteoarthritis report chronic opioid use
  22. Nurse-led physical activity program may benefit people undergoing cancer treatment
  23. Olive oil consumption may cut risk for CV, all-cause death
  24. Oral acromegaly therapy maintains efficacy for most initial responders at 62 weeks
  25. Pharma company, global service provider partner to develop neuroscience disorder therapies
  26. Q&A: HIV links to diminished control of HBV coinfection
  27. Regenxbio initiates second pivotal trial of gene therapy for wet AMD
  28. Risk for 'more severe, critical' COVID-19 higher in RA vs. PsA, ulcerative colitis
  29. Speaker: ‘Tried-and-true’ knee cartilage treatments likely to yield best results
  30. Stair walking for 10 minutes may lower glucose and insulin, improve insulin sensitivity
  31. Study investigates enablers, barriers of engagement with app-based home monitoring
  32. Substance use in young adulthood increases risk for subsequent prescription drug misuse
  33. Tertiary lymphoid tissues ‘strongly’ associated with late graft dysfunction
  34. Timely nudge via EMR may improve transition of care for CVD after pregnancy
  35. Top five FDA dermatology approval stories of 2021
  36. Top in cardiology: Chili pepper may lower mortality risk, stress linked to CVD
  37. Transplant societies release joint statement recommending COVID-19 vaccinations
  38. VIDEO: Artificial intelligence, machine learning enhance articular cartilage imaging
  39. VIDEO: Preserve the meniscus whenever possible
  40. VIDEO: Surgical approach, rehabilitation are evolving in patients with ligament injury
  41. VIDEO: Use FDA-approved technologies to stay out of trouble with FDA
  42. Virtual reality program for back pain superior to sham device 3 months after treatment