
March 08, 2021 Articles

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  1. Anakinra comparable to triamcinolone for reducing gout flare pain
  2. ART home delivery significantly improves viral suppression
  3. Aspirin, SSRI use linked with reduced CRC risk
  4. Association of Community Cancer Centers names new president
  5. CDC says fully vaccinated people can gather without masks, distancing
  6. Clubhouse: Engaging with others outside your ‘normal sphere’
  7. Clubhouse: Engaging with others outside your ‘normal sphere’
  8. CMS delays launch of Kidney Care Choices demonstration
  9. Compassion cultivation training may decrease caregivers’ psychological distress
  10. Conservative treatments have no clinically beneficial effect on thumb pain
  11. Deep learning models accurately predict glaucoma progression requiring surgery
  12. Exposure to guideline nonconcordant care facilitated transition to chronic low back pain
  13. Factors influencing CVD mortality vary by region, race, ethnicity
  14. FDA approves Yescarta for advanced follicular lymphoma
  15. FDA calls for an advisory meeting for anemia drug from FibroGen
  16. FDA grants orphan drug designation to cell therapy for Buerger’s disease
  17. FDA spotlight: Recent decisions in HER2-positive breast cancer
  18. Genentech withdraws Tecentriq indication for bladder cancer
  19. Glucocorticoid, proton pump inhibitor use linked to higher osteoporotic fracture risk in RA
  20. HF, COVID-19 therapies among those featured in ACC.21 late-breakers
  21. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy associated with maternal premature mortality
  22. Immunotherapy improves beta-cell function, delays type 1 diabetes diagnosis
  23. Inflammation predicts vascular disease in treated HIV, with ‘important’ sex differences
  24. MPFL reconstruction with autograft yields good outcomes for traumatic patellar dislocation
  25. Nepafenac punctal plug significantly reduces postoperative cataract surgery pain
  26. New findings support WHO guidance on second-line therapy for HIV
  27. Novel glycine transporter inhibitor effective for improving cognition in schizophrenia
  28. Obesity linked to higher risk for poor COVID-19 outcomes
  29. People with HIV are receiving treatment earlier, but disparities remain
  30. PROPEL: Food insecurity moderates effectiveness of weight loss intervention
  31. Q&A: Neuroplasticity after stroke reveals ‘critical’ early period for rehabilitation
  32. Retinoid/alpha hydroxy acid cream with salicylic acid shows efficacy for blemishes
  33. Risk for nonhemorrhagic stroke elevated among American Indian adults with, without AF
  34. Survey: One-third of people with blood cancer unlikely to get COVID-19 vaccine
  35. Telehealth requires effective strategies for short teaching sessions
  36. Top in cardiology: Benefits of fruits and vegetables, proper aspirin and statin use
  37. Treatment may be delayed for patients with early glaucoma
  38. VIDEO: Meeting to address undertreatment of CVD in patients with psoriatic disease
  39. VIDEO: World Glaucoma Week raises awareness on this silent disease
  40. Vision Atlas addresses need for broadened eye care
  41. Wearing face mask during vigorous exercise safe for healthy individuals
  42. Which diet is better: Mediterranean or Vegan?