
September 03, 2019 Articles

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  1. LMNA gene mutation linked to neuromuscular, cardiac conditions in most patients
  2. A view from the transplant center
  3. Access barriers, medication acceptability hinder long-term buprenorphine use
  4. Back to basics on AI
  5. BLOG: Do premium lenses belong in non-premium eyes?
  6. Buy-in needed from nephrologists, providers to meet home dialysis goal
  7. Changes in practice are needed to make CKD-ESKD model successful
  8. Childhood leukemia survivors may be at higher risk for infections
  9. CLARIFY: Angina in prior MI, stable CAD confers poor prognosis
  10. Dialysis providers prepare for impact of Hurricane Dorian
  11. Drug costs, prior authorizations create barriers to timely cancer care
  12. EULAR: All rheumatology providers should be familiar with disease features, routine therapies
  13. Evaluate the risks and rewards of Advancing American Kidney Health
  14. Extended hemodialysis without dietary restrictions may increase BMI, survival odds
  15. FDA grants breakthrough designation to liver cancer liquid biopsy test
  16. Fewer malunions, nonunions found after ankle fracture surgery by orthopedists vs podiatrists
  17. Glaucoma associated with DSAEK failure
  18. Global position statement calls for testosterone formulations for women
  19. Guest commentary: My wedding during DDW shows positive work-life balance is possible
  20. HOPE 4: Community intervention cut CVD risk by more than 40%
  21. Hospital readmission rates, costs high in dermatology
  22. How artificial intelligence impacts the treatment of kidney disease
  23. Indefinite dysplasia in IBD increases advanced neoplasia risk
  24. Infection risk similar for TNF inhibitors plus methotrexate, triple therapy in RA
  25. Kidney alterations found more frequently in obese, overweight children
  26. Lifestyle adjustments can offset HbA1c effects of insulin therapy refusal
  27. Low-intensity warfarin did not reduce risk of venous thromboembolism or death after TJA
  28. MRSA colonization common on intake at Chicago jail
  29. N95 respirators, medical masks offer similar protection from flu
  30. Non-small cell lung cancer associated with poorer prognosis in older patients with IPF
  31. NovaBay net loss increases in second quarter
  32. NRAA focuses on safety issues, regulatory changes at annual meeting
  33. Older age, peak IOP may speed glaucoma progression
  34. Parental incarceration linked to adult psychiatric outcomes in offspring
  35. Personalized advice improves sun protection among patients
  36. Personalized treatment for ARDS: Ready for prime time?
  37. Pradaxa safe, effective for recurrent VTE prevention
  38. PURE: CVD accounts for more than 40% of deaths in low-, middle-income countries
  39. Small Fournier gangrene risk with SGLT-2 inhibitors should not influence prescribing decisions
  40. Soft drinks tied to risk for death
  41. SYNTAXES: No mortality difference at 10 years with PCI or CABG
  42. Top 10 endocrinology news reports of 2019
  43. Top dermatology headlines from August
  44. Top pulmonology news from August: Updates on vaping-related lung disease, asthma treatments, critical care
  45. Top stories in infectious disease: US measles-free status in jeopardy, pharmacists improve HIV PrEP uptake
  46. Twice-yearly inclisiran injection shows durable LDL improvement: ORION-11
  47. USPSTF recommends preventive drugs for women at high breast cancer risk
  48. Values over value: what the new workforce wants
  49. VIDEO: Large, real-world analysis provides new insights on apixaban for nonvalvular AF
  50. Xofluza reduces risk for flu by 86% in household contacts