
May 03, 2019 Articles

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  1. Cardiology Today wins bronze ASHPE publishing award
  2. EFORT Open Reviews: A round-up of recently published articles
  3. 1 in 14 DC teens have exchanged sex
  4. 5 stories you may have missed in April
  5. 90% of teenaged intimate partner homicide victims are female
  6. Acids found in coffee, fruit and vegetables may help prevent breast cancer
  7. ACOG presidential program stresses ‘the time is now’ to end maternal mortality
  8. Anterolateral ligament, ACL reconstruction may provide better outcomes than ACL reconstruction alone
  9. Azithromycin reduces treatment failure in acute COPD exacerbations
  10. Better the devil you know: Overview of opioids in postoperative pain management
  11. Both ivermectin, permethrin yield high clearance rates in scabies
  12. BP, vascular age improved in novice marathon runners
  13. Bremelanotide improves sexual desire in women
  14. Combination intervention improves function, not pain relief in thumb OA
  15. Congress goes paperless and information about the EFORT Plaza
  16. Cush offers drug 'safety rules to live by' for rheumatologists
  17. ED visits at all-time high, only 4.3% nonurgent
  18. EFORT webinar: Patellofemoral Instability in Children
  19. Exercise improves CV health in adults born prematurely
  20. Expert cautions: 'No set of criteria can replace clinical judgment'
  21. FDA approves ivacaftor to treat infants with cystic fibrosis as young as 6 months
  22. FDA approves triple combination therapy for type 2 diabetes
  23. FDA grants breakthrough device designation to AI-enabled diagnostic for kidney disease
  24. FDA: Textured implants to remain on the market
  25. FTC proposes changes to Contact Lens Rule
  26. Home recovery program feasible following mastectomy
  27. Ibrutinib plus R-CHOP improves survival among younger patients with aggressive lymphoma subtype
  28. Injury factors, surgical timing important in treatment of knee dislocations
  29. Joint Workshop on Medical Device Registries: Providing evidence for regulators
  30. Legionellosis cluster at horse racetrack traced to hot tub
  31. Light physical activity associated with increased brain volume
  32. Maintaining high BMI into adulthood increases type 2 diabetes risk
  33. Many adolescents have mental disorders at the time of transition into adulthood
  34. Marketplace more challenging than regulatory approval for new medical devices
  35. Members of US House of Representatives show support for KidneyX
  36. Modern techniques may improve outcomes after arthroscopic Bankart repair
  37. Not all opioids prescribed were consumed following arthroscopic sports medicine procedures
  38. Open Latarjet may lead to better outcomes vs arthroscopic Latarjet
  39. Outgoing president touts OARSI legacy, renewed drive to ‘build bridges’ internationally
  40. Overview of EFORT Congress on registries and impact on practice
  41. PARTNER2: ART prevents HIV transmission among gay couples
  42. Prepare for the Medical Device Regulations Session
  43. Prolonged job-related radiation exposure increases hypertension odds
  44. Published articles may be misconstrued for trials with nonsignificant primary outcomes
  45. Researchers explore potential of cannabinoids in inflammatory, neoplastic skin diseases
  46. Researchers identify dementia that ‘mimics’ Alzheimer’s disease
  47. RingJect delivery system receives US marketing approval
  48. Sepsis, pneumonia leading causes of readmission in ANCA-associated vasculitis
  49. Seven important updates for Skin Cancer Awareness Month
  50. Superbug infections in 17 states linked to weight loss surgeries in Mexico
  51. Surgeons should re-establish kinetic chain in treatment of throwing athletes
  52. Survey confirms NASH awareness remains low even among most at-risk
  53. Time out: Video audit improves endoscopy safety protocol adherence
  54. Top stories in gastroenterology: FDA approves non-surgical weight loss device for obesity, narrow band imaging best at detecting adenomas
  55. Understand patient objectives, counseling resources when discussing contraception
  56. Update to Maryland law expands optometric scope of practice
  57. VIDEO: Aerie announces Rocklatan launch
  58. VIDEO: Eyenovia progressing in mydriasis, glaucoma, myopia treatments
  59. VIDEO: J&J Vision emphasizes education, innovation at ASCRS
  60. VIDEO: Lensar receives FDA approval for micro radial incisions
  61. VIDEO: Revita DMR procedure improves liver, cardiovascular parameters
  62. VIDEO: Where small aperture optic technology fits in the ophthalmic practice
  63. Vitamin D supplementation shows limited benefit in patients with gastrointestinal cancers