
October 15, 2015 Articles

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  1. ACP: Retail health clinics should be used as backup for primary care
  2. Additional radiotherapy safe, effective for recurrent head, neck cancer
  3. Autism diagnosis should be considered in children with ADHD
  4. 'Biopsy-sparing' diagnosis useful for asymptomatic, symptomatic children with celiac disease
  5. Biostatistician joins Roswell Park Cancer Institute
  6. Cardiovascular disease remains leading cause of mortality among patients with RA
  7. Children with grandmothers who smoke during pregnancy at risk for asthma
  8. Clinicians infrequently prescribing ART provide lower quality of HIV care
  9. Costs widely variable throughout US for women's health procedures
  10. Defer to clinical judgment when glaucoma study recommendations vary
  11. Dermatologists led research in most noninvasive cosmetic procedures, ASDS analysis finds
  12. FDA approves ultrasound system for targeted prostate treatment
  13. FDA designates recurrent C. difficile treatment as breakthrough therapy
  14. Food allergy common in children post-transplant
  15. Heater-cooler devices associated with nontuberculous mycobacteria infections
  16. High VTE rates seen after IM nailing for skeletal metastatic disease
  17. Immunoglobulin deficiencies higher in patients with recurring chronic rhinosinusitis
  18. Influenza vaccine response similar in older adults with and without type 2 diabetes
  19. KDIGO seeks comments on updating guidelines for treating hepatitis C in chronic kidney disease patients
  20. LEADERS FREE: Polymer-free drug-coated stent superior to BMS in patients with high bleeding risk
  21. Life Spine launches four new minimally invasive systems at NASS
  22. Mechanical epithelial removal in cross-linking may have fewer short-term complications
  23. Men willing to discuss facial aging, but most have not undergone aesthetic procedures
  24. MERS remains viable in hospital room after patient discharge
  25. MRSA infections decline in hospitals, persist in community
  26. Nationwide Children's Hospital establishes research institute for youth suicide prevention
  27. Nexxt Spine announces development of new porous bioactive titanium material
  28. Nintedanib tolerable for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  29. NSAIDs can help manage spine pain postoperatively without opioids
  30. OSN APAO: Glued IOL a valuable technique for anterior segment surgeons
  31. Patients taking opioids for lumbar pain have differing surgical expectations
  32. Pilot study: Imprint cytology rapidly delivers vertebral lesion diagnosis
  33. Pregnancy does not increase risk for women with adrenocortical carcinoma
  34. Pregnant women with aPL antibodies may benefit from hydroxychloroquine
  35. Preserving the posterior ligament complex in lumbar surgery may mitigate adjacent segment disease
  36. Psoriasis severity linked to vascular inflammation beyond CV risk factors
  37. Publication Exclusive: Man presents with slow, progressive vision loss
  38. Recommendation for routine HPV4 vaccination leads to increased uptake
  39. Repeated Botox treatments led to progressive improvement in static glabellar lines
  40. Research identifies symptoms that predict psychosis
  41. Rising HCV-related mortality in US greater than all other infectious diseases
  42. RIVER-PCI: Ranolazine fails to benefit patients with incomplete revascularization after PCI
  43. Ropeginterferon alfa 2b shows promise for polycythemia vera
  44. Sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy may reduce urine albumin creatinine ratio in type 1 diabetes
  45. Serum 14-3-3η level predicts response to Actemra
  46. SMILE may yield faster nerve fiber regeneration vs. femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK
  47. Tigatuzumab/Nexavar combination fails to improve advanced HCC
  48. Top 10 updates on the ‘heart-mind connection’
  49. TOTAL follow-up results reject manual thrombectomy as STEMI treatment strategy
  50. Transradial PCI noninferior to transfemoral, results in fewer bleeding events
  51. Twin, sister studies indicate similar estimated heritability of perinatal depression
  52. Upcoming conference highlights multidisciplinary approach to metabolic health
  53. Updated Pap test guidelines result in decreased rate of STI screenings
  54. Using transitional care coordinators to reduce hospital readmissions for dialysis patients
  55. VIDEO: TLIF may offer narrow advantage over PSF for spondylolisthesis